Puerto Morelos Reef Restoration Program by Oceanus, A.C.
LOCATION: Puerto Morelos Reefs.
Our restoration sites are located within the Puerto Morelos Reef National Park (PNAPM) and include the areas of:
Rodman (2 sites)
La Pared y
Radio Pirata.
For us, they are among the first locations where we began restoration activities beginning in 2012 in coordination with the National Park, with the support of COBI and the Packard Foundation.
Over the years we have had financial support from the SUMMIT Foundation, the Fund for the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR Fund), The Nature Conservancy, Fairmont Mayakobá, Ciudad Mayakobá, Camaleón Consultoría Sustentable and the Small Donations Program for Development of the United Nations.
Currently we have more than 10,000 transplanted colonies, as well as 5 nurseries in operation with more than 90% survival. The oldest colonies are now 5 years old, and some have grown to more than 1.30 m in diameter and about 50 cm in height, which translates into a significant effect on coastal protection. We have a local restoration group in the process of certification. In collaboration with the University of Guadalajara, we managed to carry out a study of the bacterial community associated with Acropora coral, obtaining very interesting results.