Restoration Site by Oceanus, A.C.

Locality: Xcalak, Quintana Roo, Mexico.


Oceanus, A.C. and MARS, Inc. are taking responsibility to restore our coral reefs.

The MARRS (Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System) model is a technique developed by Mars Sustainable Solutions in Indonesia for the restoration of reef areas damaged by physical impacts. Thanks to the exchange of experiences carried out in 2018 with that institution, the collaboration began to be tested and adapted by personnel from Oceanus, A.C. in the posterior habitat of the Xcalak reefs. In 2019, a pilot project was started at two sites in the Arrecifes de Xcalak National Park, in combination with the techniques of Oceanus, A.C.  

This technique uses “Reef Stars” or ReefStars for its name in English, which are coupled together forming fixed and resistant lattices.

ReefStars help stabilize debris areas and provide a strong structure in which coral transplants can be performed. After a few years, the coral grows and covers the structure, which integrates into large areas of reef. This creates and restores habitats for fish and invertebrates whose dynamics and interactions in turn promote the fixation and growth of new corals, re-establishing the natural balance. in Xcalak, after two years from installation, the patches have recovered coral cover up to three times faster and have promoted the recovery of fish and invertebrates.

Preparing Reef Stars
